My 2019 blog

So what I am going to do is as I see 2019 films I'm just gonna categorise them and see how I get on. Keeping in mind that it'll start slowly because until mid February (to maybe even March) most films are still "2018" films. I am going to try to see less garbage this year so it might be seen that the number of films on this list is pretty low. I may move films around as I see more by the way.

New entry
How to train your dragon the hidden world: It is more or less what you expect it to be... Which is very high praise given the expectations for this movie! The trilogy ends on a high note as the beautiful visuals merge together with a heartwarming story to bookend this masterpiece of a story perfectly. With only one entry so far this goes straight into the best of the year pile!

The best
How to Train Your Dragon: The Hidden World.

To come soonish (I may not catch all of these I'm cinemas but will get any I don't on DVD/streaming).
Glass, The Boy Who Would Be King, Storm Boy


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